Issue 28, 2016

Metal–metal chalcogenide molecular precursors to binary, ternary, and quaternary metal chalcogenide thin films for electronic devices


Bulk metals and metal chalcogenides are found to dissolve in primary amine–dithiol solvent mixtures at ambient conditions. Thin-films of CuS, SnS, ZnS, Cu2Sn(Sx,Se1−x)3, and Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1−x)4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) were deposited using the as-dissolved solutions. Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1−x)4 solar cells with efficiencies of 6.84% and 7.02% under AM1.5 illumination were fabricated from two example solution precursors, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Metal–metal chalcogenide molecular precursors to binary, ternary, and quaternary metal chalcogenide thin films for electronic devices

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Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2015
04 Mar 2016
First published
15 Mar 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 5007-5010

Author version available

Metal–metal chalcogenide molecular precursors to binary, ternary, and quaternary metal chalcogenide thin films for electronic devices

R. Zhang, S. Cho, D. G. Lim, X. Hu, E. A. Stach, C. A. Handwerker and R. Agrawal, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 5007 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC09915C

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