Issue 42, 2016

Stretched homoporous composite membranes with elliptic nanopores for external-energy-free ultrafiltration


Extremely permeable ultrafiltration membranes with elongated elliptical pores are fabricated by stretching composite membranes with homoporous selective layers and macroporous supports. With simultaneously increased porosities both for the selective layers and supports and the thinned selective layers, the stretched membranes exhibit multifold-enhanced permeability with little sacrifice in selectivities. Thus the produced membranes enable, for the first time, gravity-driven ultrafiltration and discrimination of similarly sized nanoparticles with diameters down to 30 nm.

Graphical abstract: Stretched homoporous composite membranes with elliptic nanopores for external-energy-free ultrafiltration

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Article information

Article type
13 Feb 2016
19 Apr 2016
First published
19 Apr 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 6899-6902

Stretched homoporous composite membranes with elliptic nanopores for external-energy-free ultrafiltration

L. Guo, L. Wang and Y. Wang, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 6899 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC01353H

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