Issue 36, 2016

Specific receptor for hydrazine: mapping the in situ release of hydrazine in live cells and in an in vitro enzymatic assay


We report a new chemodosimetric reagent capable of detecting hydrazine in the presence of several other competing amine derivatives and ionic analytes of biological relevance. This reagent has been utilized for real time monitoring of in situ N2H4 release during the metabolism of a crucial tuberculosis drug, isoniazid, in live HepG2 cells. The fluorescence response of the reagent based on its specific reaction with N2H4 is used for developing an in vitro assay for aminoacylase-1.

Graphical abstract: Specific receptor for hydrazine: mapping the in situ release of hydrazine in live cells and in an in vitro enzymatic assay

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Article information

Article type
28 Feb 2016
29 Mar 2016
First published
29 Mar 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 6166-6169

Specific receptor for hydrazine: mapping the in situ release of hydrazine in live cells and in an in vitro enzymatic assay

F. Ali, A. H. A., N. Taye, D. G. Mogare, S. Chattopadhyay and A. Das, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 6166 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC01787H

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