Issue 61, 2016

MOF catalysis of FeII-to-FeIII reaction for an ultrafast and one-step generation of the Fe2O3@MOF composite and uranium(vi) reduction by iron(ii) under ambient conditions


Herein, we demonstrate that Zn-MOF-74 enables the ultrafast and one-step generation of the Fe2O3@MOF composite once Zn-MOF-74 contacts with FeSO4 solution. This unique reaction can be further applied in catalysis of U(VI) reduction by Fe(II) under ambient conditions. The results provide a highly renovated strategy for U(VI) reduction by Fe(II) just under ambient conditions, which completely subvert all established methods about U(VI) reduction by Fe(II) in which O2- and CO2-free conditions are absolutely required.

Graphical abstract: MOF catalysis of FeII-to-FeIII reaction for an ultrafast and one-step generation of the Fe2O3@MOF composite and uranium(vi) reduction by iron(ii) under ambient conditions

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Article information

Article type
01 Jun 2016
28 Jun 2016
First published
28 Jun 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 9538-9541

MOF catalysis of FeII-to-FeIII reaction for an ultrafast and one-step generation of the Fe2O3@MOF composite and uranium(VI) reduction by iron(II) under ambient conditions

Y. Y. Xiong, J. Q. Li, C. S. Yan, H. Y. Gao, J. P. Zhou, L. L. Gong, M. B. Luo, L. Zhang, P. P. Meng and F. Luo, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 9538 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC04597A

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