Issue 83, 2016

Inhibition of TLR1/2 dimerization by enantiomers of metal complexes


We report herein the identification of an immunomodulatory metal-based complex 1 as a direct inhibitor of TLR1/2 heterodimerization. Both enantiomers of complex 1 selectively suppressed TNF-α and TLR1/2 heterodimerization in Pam3CSK4-induced macrophages, with Λ-1 being more potent than Δ-1. Moreover, the complexes inhibited NF-κB transduction via the modulation of TLR1/2 signaling. To our knowledge, complex 1 is the first metal-based inhibitor of TLR1/2 heterodimerization reported to date.

Graphical abstract: Inhibition of TLR1/2 dimerization by enantiomers of metal complexes

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Article type
26 Jul 2016
05 Sep 2016
First published
05 Sep 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 12278-12281

Inhibition of TLR1/2 dimerization by enantiomers of metal complexes

L. Liu, W. Wang, Z. Zhong, S. Lin, L. Lu, Y. Wang, D. Ma and C. Leung, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 12278 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC06155A

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