Issue 15, 2016

Active chemisorption sites in functionalized ionic liquids for carbon capture


Development of novel technologies for the efficient and reversible capture of CO2 is highly desired. In the last decade, CO2 capture using ionic liquids has attracted intensive attention from both academia and industry, and has been recognized as a very promising technology. Recently, a new approach has been developed for highly efficient capture of CO2 by site-containing ionic liquids through chemical interaction. This perspective review focuses on the recent advances in the chemical absorption of CO2 using site-containing ionic liquids, such as amino-based ionic liquids, azolate ionic liquids, phenolate ionic liquids, dual-functionalized ionic liquids, pyridine-containing ionic liquids and so on. Other site-containing liquid absorbents such as amine-based solutions, switchable solvents, and functionalized ionic liquid–amine blends are also investigated. Strategies have been discussed for how to activate the existent reactive sites and develop novel reactive sites by physical and chemical methods to enhance CO2 absorption capacity and reduce absorption enthalpy. The carbon capture mechanisms of these site-containing liquid absorbents are also presented. Particular attention has been paid to the latest progress in CO2 capture in multiple-site interactions by amino-free anion-functionalized ionic liquids. In the last section, future directions and prospects for carbon capture by site-containing ionic liquids are outlined.

Graphical abstract: Active chemisorption sites in functionalized ionic liquids for carbon capture

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
11 Jun 2015
First published
31 May 2016

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2016,45, 4307-4339

Author version available

Active chemisorption sites in functionalized ionic liquids for carbon capture

G. Cui, J. Wang and S. Zhang, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2016, 45, 4307 DOI: 10.1039/C5CS00462D

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