Issue 43, 2016

Synthesis, characterization, and ligand behaviour of a new ditelluroether (C10H7)Te(CH2)4Te(C10H7) and the concurrently formed ionic [(C10H7)Te(CH2)4]Br


The reaction of 1-naphthyl bromide with n-butyl lithium, elemental tellurium, and 1,4-dibromobutane in THF affords both (C10H7)Te(CH2)4Te(C10H7) (1) and [(C10H7)Te(CH2)4]Br (2) in good yields. 1 is preferentially formed at low temperatures and is a rare example of a structurally characterized ditelluroether in which the tellurium atoms are bridged by a hydrocarbon chain. In the solid state, 1 shows secondary bonding Te⋯Te interactions, which connect the molecules into layers which are further linked to 3-dimensional frameworks by Te⋯H hydrogen bonds. [(C10H7)Te(CH2)4]Br (2) is formed concurrently during the synthesis of 1 and is the main product, when the reaction is carried out at room temperature. The revPBE/def2-TZVPP calculations of the reaction profiles indicate that the formation of 2 is somewhat more favourable than that of 1. Furthermore, at room temperature the activation energy for the formation of 2 is lower than that of 1. At low temperatures the activation energy of the reaction leading to 1 is lower than that to 2, which is consistent with the synthetic observations. When 1 was treated with CuBr, [Cu2(μ-Br)2{μ-(C10H7)Te(CH2)4Te(C10H7)}2] (3) was formed. It crystallizes as two polymorphs (3a) and (3b) in which both the packing and the conformation of the ditelluroether ligands are different. The reaction of 1 with HgCl2 produces [(C10H7)Te(CH2)4]2[HgCl4]·CH2Cl2 (4·CH2Cl2) and that of 1 with CuCl2 affords [(C10H7)Te(CH2)4]Cl (5). 2 and 5 are isomorphous.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, characterization, and ligand behaviour of a new ditelluroether (C10H7)Te(CH2)4Te(C10H7) and the concurrently formed ionic [(C10H7)Te(CH2)4]Br

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Article type
29 Jun 2016
19 Sep 2016
First published
19 Sep 2016
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 17206-17215

Synthesis, characterization, and ligand behaviour of a new ditelluroether (C10H7)Te(CH2)4Te(C10H7) and the concurrently formed ionic [(C10H7)Te(CH2)4]Br

M. J. Poropudas, J. M. Rautiainen, R. Oilunkaniemi and R. S. Laitinen, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 17206 DOI: 10.1039/C6DT02599D

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