Issue 3, 2016

Different effects of plant-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) and urea on the priming of soil organic carbon


Soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization is important for the regulation of the global climate and soil fertility. Decomposition of SOC may be significantly affected by the supply of plant-derived labile carbon (C). To investigate the impact of plant-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) and urea (N) additions on the decomposition of native SOC as well as to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of priming effects (PEs), a batch of incubation experiments was conducted for 250 days by application of 13C-labeled plant-derived DOM and urea to soils. The direction of PE induced by the addition of DOM was different from the addition of N, i.e. it switched from negative to positive in DOM-amended soils, whereas in the N-treated soil it switched from positive to negative. Adding DOM alone was favorable for soil C sequestration (59 ± 5 mg C per kg soil), whereas adding N alone or together with DOM accelerated the decomposition of native SOC, causing net C losses (−62 ± 4 and −34 ± 31 mg C per kg soil, respectively). These findings indicate that N addition and its interaction with DOM are not favorable for soil C sequestration. Adding DOM alone increased the level of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), but it did not increase the level of soil mineral N. Changes in the ratio of microbial biomass carbon (MBC) to microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) and microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) after the addition of DOM and N suggest that a possible shift in the microbial community composition may occur in the present study. Adding DOM with or without N increased the activities of β-glucosidase and urease. Changes in the direction and magnitude of PE were closely related to changes in soil C and N availability. Soil C and N availability might influence the PE through affecting the microbial biomass and extracellular enzyme activity as well as causing a possible shift in the microbial community composition.

Graphical abstract: Different effects of plant-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) and urea on the priming of soil organic carbon

Article information

Article type
11 Sep 2015
06 Jan 2016
First published
11 Jan 2016

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2016,18, 330-341

Different effects of plant-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) and urea on the priming of soil organic carbon

Q. Qiu, L. Wu, Z. Ouyang, B. Li and Y. Xu, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2016, 18, 330 DOI: 10.1039/C5EM00446B

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