Issue 9, 2016

Scalable synthesis of Cu-based ultrathin nanowire networks and their electrocatalytic properties


In this research, we developed an easy way to generate CuM (M = Pd, Pt and PdPt) ultrathin nanowire networks by simply injecting the metallic precursors into an aqueous solution which contained sodium borohydride under vigorous stirring. The reaction can be finished quickly without needing any other reagents, thus leaving the products with a clean surface. The prepared materials show an ultrathin diameter of less than 5 nanometers. The reaction can be easily amplified, resulting in scalable products. These properties combined with the superior catalytic performance of the prepared CuM nanowire networks underpin their potential use in glycerol electrooxidation reaction.

Graphical abstract: Scalable synthesis of Cu-based ultrathin nanowire networks and their electrocatalytic properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
28 Oct 2015
31 Jan 2016
First published
01 Feb 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 4927-4932

Scalable synthesis of Cu-based ultrathin nanowire networks and their electrocatalytic properties

W. Hong, J. Wang and E. Wang, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 4927 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR07516E

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