Issue 3, 2016

Supersaturation-controlled surface structure evolution of Pd@Pt core–shell nanocrystals: enhancement of the ORR activity at a sub-10 nm scale


Here, we designed and implemented a facile strategy for controlling the surface evolution of Pd@Pt core–shell nanostructures by simply adjusting the volume of OH to control the reducing ability of ascorbic acid and finally manipulating the supersaturation in the reaction system. The surface structure of the obtained Pd@Pt bimetallic nanocrystals transformed from a Pt {111} facet-exposed island shell to a conformal Pt {100} facet-exposed shell by increasing the pH value. The as-prepared well aligned Pd@Pt core–island shell nanocubes present both significantly enhanced electrocatalytic activity and favorable long-term stability toward the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media.

Graphical abstract: Supersaturation-controlled surface structure evolution of Pd@Pt core–shell nanocrystals: enhancement of the ORR activity at a sub-10 nm scale

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Nov 2015
08 Dec 2015
First published
09 Dec 2015

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 1698-1703

Author version available

Supersaturation-controlled surface structure evolution of Pd@Pt core–shell nanocrystals: enhancement of the ORR activity at a sub-10 nm scale

K. Qi, W. Zheng and X. Cui, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 1698 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR07940C

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