Issue 16, 2016

Plasmon-mediated chemical surface functionalization at the nanoscale


Controlling the surface grafting of species at the nanoscale remains a major challenge, likely to generate many opportunities in materials science. In this work, we propose an original strategy for chemical surface functionalization at the nanoscale, taking advantage of localized surface plasmon (LSP) excitation. The surface functionalization is demonstrated through aryl film grafting (derived from a diazonium salt), covalently bonded at the surface of gold lithographic nanostripes. The aryl film is specifically grafted in areas of maximum near field enhancement, as confirmed by numerical calculation based on the discrete dipole approximation method. The energy of the incident light and the LSP wavelength are shown to be crucial parameters to monitor the aryl film thickness of up to ∼30 nm. This robust and versatile strategy opens up exciting prospects for the nanoscale confinement of functional layers on surfaces, which should be particularly interesting for molecular sensing or nanooptics.

Graphical abstract: Plasmon-mediated chemical surface functionalization at the nanoscale

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Jan 2016
18 Mar 2016
First published
18 Mar 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 8633-8640

Plasmon-mediated chemical surface functionalization at the nanoscale

M. Nguyen, A. Lamouri, C. Salameh, G. Lévi, J. Grand, L. Boubekeur-Lecaque, C. Mangeney and N. Félidj, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 8633 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR00744A

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