Cation exchange synthesis of uniform PbSe/PbS core/shell tetra-pods and their use as near-infrared photodetectors†
In this work we explore the preparation of complex-shaped semiconductor nanostructures composed of different materials via a cationic exchange process in which the cations of the original semiconductor nanostructure are replaced by cations of different metals with preservation of the shape and the anionic framework of the nanocrystals. Utilizing this cation exchange method, we synthesized two new tetrapods for the first time: Cu2−xSe/Cu2−xS and PbSe/PbS, both prepared from CdSe/CdS tetrapods as ‘templates’. We also fabricated near-infrared (NIR) photodetectors with a very simple architecture comprising a PbSe/PbS tetrapod layer between two Au electrodes on a glass substrate. When illuminated by a NIR laser, these devices are capable of achieving a responsivity of 11.9 A W−1 without the use of ligand-exchange processes, thermal annealing or hybrid device architecture. Transient absorption spectroscopy was carried out on these PbSe/PbS tetrapods, the results of which suggest that the branched morphology contributes in part to device performance. Investigation of the charge dynamics of the PbSe/PbS tetrapods revealed an extremely long-lived exciton recombination lifetime of ∼17 ms, which can result in enhanced photoconductive gain. Overall, these heterostructured tetrapods showcase simultaneously the importance of nanoparticle shape, band structure, and surface chemistry in the attainment of NIR photodetection.