Issue 26, 2016

Component conversion from pure Au nanorods to multiblock Ag–Au–Ag nanorods assisted by Pt nanoframe templates


We developed a new method for synthesizing multiblock Ag–Au–Ag nanorods using Pt nanoframes that had been deposited on the edges of Au nanorod seeds. As a function of Au etching time, the length of the Au nanorod decreased symmetrically starting from the two ends, leading to the formation of empty inner space at the ends. Subsequent reduction of Ag ions could be selectively performed in the inner space confined by Pt nanoframes and the resulting Ag–Au–Ag nanorods exhibited characteristic LSPR modes originating from each block component (in a transverse direction) and SPR coupling (in a longitudinal direction). The high quality of the resulting multiblock nanorods enabled observation of the longitudinal quadrupole mode that was induced by Ag–Au SPR coupling in a long axis. The mode exhibited high sensitivity in accordance with the change in the surrounding media, demonstrating great potential for sensor applications.

Graphical abstract: Component conversion from pure Au nanorods to multiblock Ag–Au–Ag nanorods assisted by Pt nanoframe templates

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
29 Apr 2016
04 Jun 2016
First published
06 Jun 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 12874-12878

Component conversion from pure Au nanorods to multiblock Ag–Au–Ag nanorods assisted by Pt nanoframe templates

S. Lee, H. Jang, H. Y. Jang, S. K. Kim and S. Park, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 12874 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR03484E

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