Issue 34, 2016

Boron doping of graphene–pushing the limit


Boron-doped derivatives of graphene have been intensely investigated because of their electronic and catalytic properties. The maximum experimentally observed concentration of boron atoms in graphite was 2.35% at 2350 K. By employing quantum chemistry coupled with molecular dynamics, we identified the theoretical doping limit for single-layer graphene at different temperatures, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve much higher boron doping concentrations. According to the calculations, 33.3 mol% of boron does not significantly undermine thermal stability, whereas 50 mol% of boron results in critical backbone deformations, which occur when three or more boron atoms enter the same six-member ring. Even though boron is less electro-negative than carbon, it tends to act as an electron acceptor in the vicinity of C–B bonds. The dipole moment of B-doped graphene depends strongly on the distribution of dopant atoms within the sheet. Compared with N-doped graphene, the dopant–dopant bonds are less destructive in the present system. The reported results motivate efforts to synthesize highly B-doped graphene for semiconductor and catalytic applications. The theoretical predictions can be validated through direct chemical synthesis.

Graphical abstract: Boron doping of graphene–pushing the limit

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Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2016
30 Jul 2016
First published
01 Aug 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 15521-15528

Boron doping of graphene–pushing the limit

V. V. Chaban and O. V. Prezhdo, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 15521 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR05309B

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