Issue 3, 2016

An azo-linked porous triptycene network as an absorbent for CO2 and iodine uptake


An azo-linked porous organic network (Azo-Trip), in which triptycene is incorporated as a building block, has been prepared via a facile Zn-induced reductive homo-coupling reaction. The Azo-Trip exhibits a BET surface area of 510.4 m2 g−1, large carbon dioxide uptake (119.6 mg g−1, 10.8 wt% at 273 K and 1 bar), as well as good CO2/N2 (38.6) selectivity. The resulting polymer also displays an excellent guest uptake of 238 wt% in iodine vapor and outstanding reversible adsorption of iodine in solution, which is better than the functionalized MIL-53-NH2 and metalloporphyrin-based NiP-CMP.

Graphical abstract: An azo-linked porous triptycene network as an absorbent for CO2 and iodine uptake

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Article information

Article type
16 Oct 2015
20 Nov 2015
First published
23 Nov 2015

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 643-647

An azo-linked porous triptycene network as an absorbent for CO2 and iodine uptake

Q. Dang, X. Wang, Y. Zhan and X. Zhang, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 643 DOI: 10.1039/C5PY01671A

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