Issue 26, 2016

A triple-monomer methodology to construct controllable supramolecular hyperbranched alternating polymers


A novel “D3–AC–E3” triple-monomer methodology was proposed to construct supramolecular hyperbranched alternating polymers. Two rigid homotritopic monomers tris(per-methylated pillar[5]arene) (D3) and tris(benzo-21-crown-7) (E3), and a heteroditopic monomer bearing a dialkylammonium salt and a neutral guest moiety, were prepared. The supramolecular hyperbranched alternating polymer was formed by selective binding interaction between the pillar[5]arene moiety with the neutral guest moiety and between the benzo-21-crown-7 group and the dialkylammonium salt group. The triple-monomer system was found to effectively avoid the formation of cyclic oligomers/gels/precipitates usually formed in the traditional “A2 + B3” double-monomer system. This study will be helpful in designing supramolecular hyperbranched polymers with controllable structure and function.

Graphical abstract: A triple-monomer methodology to construct controllable supramolecular hyperbranched alternating polymers

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Article information

Article type
19 May 2016
04 Jun 2016
First published
07 Jun 2016

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 4322-4325

A triple-monomer methodology to construct controllable supramolecular hyperbranched alternating polymers

H. Li, X. Fan, X. Shang, M. Qi, H. Zhang and W. Tian, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 4322 DOI: 10.1039/C6PY00869K

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