Issue 48, 2016

Combination of photoinduced copper(i) catalyzed click chemistry and photosol–gel reaction for the synthesis of hybrid materials


Synthesis of hybrid materials is an important topic of research for the design of new materials and development of industrial applications. Among the numerous pathways reported in the literature, a concomitant light induced sol–gel process and organic photopolymerization has recently appeared to be a promising alternative. In light of the potential benefits of copper catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC), we investigate in this work a novel one-step methodology for preparing hybrid materials by combining photoinduced sol–gel polymerization and the light-induced CuAAC reaction. Isopropylthioxanthone was used as a photosensitizer to prompt both generation of acid by reduction of iodonium salt and formation of Cu(I) by reduction of Cu(II). Polymerization kinetics of the separated reactions were first investigated by real-time FTIR providing a clear picture of the mechanism. Then, both reactions were simultaneously monitored and both reactions were shown to occur concomitantly.

Graphical abstract: Combination of photoinduced copper(i) catalyzed click chemistry and photosol–gel reaction for the synthesis of hybrid materials

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Article information

Article type
26 Aug 2016
22 Sep 2016
First published
23 Sep 2016

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 7383-7390

Combination of photoinduced copper(I) catalyzed click chemistry and photosol–gel reaction for the synthesis of hybrid materials

E. Maetz, C. Croutxé-Barghorn, C. Delaite and X. Allonas, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 7383 DOI: 10.1039/C6PY01495J

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