Issue 45, 2016

Poly(3,4-dioxythiophene) soft nano-network with a compatible ion transporting channel for improved electrochromic performance


Different compared to optoelectronics based on electron transformation, ion transport plays important roles in electrochromic applications. To improve ion transport properties, a novel poly(3,4-dioxythiophene) dimer (PM-BTE) was electropolymerized by an alkoxyl connected 3,4-dioxythiophene dimer and fully characterized. The PM-BTE soft nano-networks exhibit excellent electrochromic properties, which show reversible oxidization and reduction accompanied from dark blue to brown yellow, have an optical contrast ΔT = 38.8%, coloration efficiencies of 263.5 cm2 C−1 at 900 nm, low switching voltages and a response of time 1.8 s, with excellent stability and colour persistence. The electrochromic performance is well promoted compared with that of PEDOT (one-fold in coloration efficiency and 60% in response time for the best), which was found to be a result of the as formed PM-BTE films showing a soft nano-network and providing a compatible ion transport channel.

Graphical abstract: Poly(3,4-dioxythiophene) soft nano-network with a compatible ion transporting channel for improved electrochromic performance

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
18 Sep 2016
16 Oct 2016
First published
27 Oct 2016

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 6954-6963

Poly(3,4-dioxythiophene) soft nano-network with a compatible ion transporting channel for improved electrochromic performance

L. Qin, Z. Ding, M. Hanif, J. Jiang, L. Liu, Y. Mo, Z. Xie and Y. Ma, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 6954 DOI: 10.1039/C6PY01642A

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