Issue 42, 2016

Hyaluronan-coated polybenzofulvene brushes as biomimetic materials


Hyaluronic acid (HA) forms pericellular coats in many cell types that are involved in the early stages of cell adhesion by interacting with the CD44 receptor. Based on the largely recognized overexpression of the CD44 receptor in tumor tissues, a polybenzofulvene molecular brush has been enveloped into hyaluronan shells to obtain a tri-component polymer brush (TCPB) composed of intrinsically fluorescent backbones bearing nona(ethylene glycol) arms terminated with low molecular weight HA macromolecules. The nanoaggregates obtained in TCPB water dispersions were characterized on the basis of dimensions, zeta potential, and in vitro cell toxicity. This biomimetic multifunctional material bearing HA on the surface of its cylindrical brush architecture showed promising prerequisites for the preparation of nanostructured drug delivery systems.

Graphical abstract: Hyaluronan-coated polybenzofulvene brushes as biomimetic materials

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Article information

Article type
19 Sep 2016
05 Oct 2016
First published
05 Oct 2016

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 6529-6544

Hyaluronan-coated polybenzofulvene brushes as biomimetic materials

A. Cappelli, M. Paolino, G. Grisci, V. Razzano, G. Giuliani, A. Donati, C. Bonechi, R. Mendichi, S. Battiato, F. Samperi, C. Scialabba, G. Giammona, F. Makovec and M. Licciardi, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 6529 DOI: 10.1039/C6PY01644H

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