Issue 6, 2016

Regrowth of Ge with different degrees of damage under thermal and athermal treatment


In this report, the recrystallization of pre-damaged Ge samples is extensively investigated under steady-state thermal annealing and ultrafast thermal spike-assisted annealing generated by high-energy ions. The (100) single-crystal Ge samples were pre-damaged using 100 keV Ar ion implantation. Three sets of pre-damaged Ge samples with sub-threshold (set A), threshold (set B) and above-threshold (set C) doses of amorphization, as estimated by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry in channeling mode (RBS/C), were suitably selected. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) images show distributed damaged pockets surrounded by crystalline material in the case of the as-damaged set A sample and completely damaged layer in the set C sample. These samples were used to study the regrowth of damage by (i) vacuum annealing at temperatures ranging from 373 K to 873 K for 30 minutes each and (ii) 100 MeV Ag ion irradiation-assisted annealing at four different temperatures: 100 K, 300 K, 373 K and 473 K. After 100 MeV Ag ion irradiation, set A samples have undergone complete recrystallization at 473 K. Similar recrystallization, but with lower magnitude, is also observed in the set B sample with increase in temperature. In set C samples, interestingly, nanowire formation was observed instead of recrystallization after irradiation at 100 K and 300 K, but recrystallization is observed at high-temperature irradiation, though it is much lower than those of set A and set B samples. The Arrhenius plot of the recrystallized fraction reveals a reduced activation energy of recrystallization by a substantial factor due to thermal spike-assisted recrystallization.

Graphical abstract: Regrowth of Ge with different degrees of damage under thermal and athermal treatment

Article information

Article type
03 Oct 2015
21 Dec 2015
First published
23 Dec 2015

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 4576-4586

Author version available

Regrowth of Ge with different degrees of damage under thermal and athermal treatment

S. Hooda, B. Satpati, T. Kumar, S. Ojha, D. Kanjilal and D. Kabiraj, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 4576 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA20502F

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