Issue 3, 2016

Photoluminescence tuning via energy transfer in Eu-doped Ba2(Gd,Tb)2Si4O13 solid-solution phosphors


We report on the phase formation of a Ba2(Gd,Tb)2Si4O13 solid-solution, and the coexistence of Eu2+/Eu3+ was identified after Eu ion doping although the samples were prepared in a reducing atmosphere. Under 377 nm near-ultraviolet (UV) light excitation, Ba2Tb2Si4O13 exhibits the characteristic emission originating from Tb3+ corresponding to 5D47F6,5,4,3 transitions; whereas Ba2Tb2Si4O13:Eu emits bright red emission from Eu3+ with peaks around 594, 613 and 623 nm. Accordingly, photoluminescence tuning of Eu-doped Ba2(Gd,Tb)2Si4O13 phosphors has been realized from green, yellow, orange, to red emission light. Decay time and time-resolved luminescence results revealed that the tunable luminescence behavior should be ascribed to the existence of energy migration in the terbium subset, and successive energy transfer processes Eu2+–Eu3+(Tb3+) and Tb3+–Eu3+ appear to occur in the Ba2Tb2−ySi4O13:yEu (y = 0–0.12) solid-solution phosphors under investigation.

Graphical abstract: Photoluminescence tuning via energy transfer in Eu-doped Ba2(Gd,Tb)2Si4O13 solid-solution phosphors

Article information

Article type
06 Nov 2015
16 Dec 2015
First published
18 Dec 2015

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 2046-2054

Author version available

Photoluminescence tuning via energy transfer in Eu-doped Ba2(Gd,Tb)2Si4O13 solid-solution phosphors

J. Zhou, Z. Xia, M. Bettinelli and Q. Liu, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 2046 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA23373A

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