Issue 26, 2016

Lanthanide-based coordination polymers as promising heterogeneous catalysts for ring-opening reactions


This work presents the synthesis and structural characterization of Eu3+- and Tb3+-based coordination polymers starting from a Co3+-based metalloligand offering appended arylcarboxylic acid groups. Both coordination polymers function as reusable heterogeneous catalysts for ring-opening reactions utilizing amines, alcohols, thiols, and azides as the nucleophiles. The catalytic results illustrate an excellent control over the regioselectivity whereas a filtration test and mechanistic studies substantiate Lewis-acid catalyzed activation of the epoxide during the reaction.

Graphical abstract: Lanthanide-based coordination polymers as promising heterogeneous catalysts for ring-opening reactions

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Article information

Article type
09 Dec 2015
14 Feb 2016
First published
16 Feb 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 21352-21361

Author version available

Lanthanide-based coordination polymers as promising heterogeneous catalysts for ring-opening reactions

G. Kumar, G. Kumar and R. Gupta, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 21352 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA26283F

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