Issue 27, 2016

Highly sensitive electrochemical detection of circulating tumor DNA based on thin-layer MoS2/graphene composites


By integrating thin-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) and graphene through a hydrothermal process and an ultrasonic method, a label-free, amplification-free and ultrasensitive circulating tumor DNA electrochemical sensor was made. Compared with other methods, this preparation process was simpler and the electrochemical properties were enhanced. Using a differential pulse voltammetry test, this sensor can detect trace amounts of DNA in the range from 10−16 M to 10−13 M. Compared with other methods that are used to detect the same circulating tumor DNA, this sensor has an obvious advantage in sensitivity, cost and simplicity because it removes the need for labelling processes and amplifiers.

Graphical abstract: Highly sensitive electrochemical detection of circulating tumor DNA based on thin-layer MoS2/graphene composites

Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2015
04 Feb 2016
First published
12 Feb 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 22673-22678

Author version available

Highly sensitive electrochemical detection of circulating tumor DNA based on thin-layer MoS2/graphene composites

Y. Chu, B. Cai, Y. Ma, M. Zhao, Z. Ye and J. Huang, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 22673 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA27625J

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