Issue 58, 2016, Issue in Progress

Nanoporous polymer foams derived from high molecular PS-b-P4VP(PDP)x for template-directed synthesis approaches


Due to their ability to self-assemble into a variety of periodic nanostructures, block copolymers already play an important role in designing diverse functional materials. A refined way to rationally tailor the morphology of a block copolymer system is the incorporation of varying amounts of an amphiphile e.g. 3-pentadecylphenol (PDP). In order to identify self-assembled structures suitable for the design of various functional materials, different supramolecular complexes of polystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine)(PDP)x (PS-b-P4VP(PDP)x) were prepared and mophologically characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering and scanning electron microscopy techniques. Thereby, the focus was set on the cylindrical-to-lamellar region with a minor P4VP(PDP)x block. For the first time, the lamellar-in-gyroid morphology was obtained directly by an annealing process. After amphiphile removal, apart from the nanoporous gyroid polymer foam, exceptionally long-range ordered polymer networks with cylindrical pores were obtained. The manifold possible applications of the self-assembled polymer morphologies were exemplarily validated by a template-directed formation of a bicontinuous nickel network via electroless plating.

Graphical abstract: Nanoporous polymer foams derived from high molecular PS-b-P4VP(PDP)x for template-directed synthesis approaches

Article information

Article type
14 Mar 2016
24 May 2016
First published
31 May 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 52998-53003

Nanoporous polymer foams derived from high molecular PS-b-P4VP(PDP)x for template-directed synthesis approaches

S. D. Tillmann, D. Hermida-Merino, M. Winter, I. Cekic-Laskovic and K. Loos, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 52998 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA06735B

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