Issue 93, 2016, Issue in Progress

Tailoring the electronic properties among oxoarsine, arsinoyl and arsine oxide isomers: the simplest molecular systems with an arsenic–oxygen bond


The main goal of this investigation is to understand the reaction pathways and the electronic and spectroscopy properties of AsOHn radicals (n = 0–3), which are some of the simplest compound models with an arsenic–oxygen bond. A CCSD(T) level of theory with a complete basis set limit (CBS) was applied to understand the relative stability and the reaction pathways among the isomers. Several reaction pathways such as the unimolecular rearrangement routes, the internal rotational transition state structures, and the hydrogen release routes were also evaluated among these structures. In the case of oxoarsine isomers, it was seen that the oxoarsine (HAsO) ground state structure presents a singlet state and AsOH possesses a triplet ground one. trans-Hydroxyarsinyl (trans-HAsOH) is the global minimum structure with an energy gap around 20 kcal mol−1 when compared with arsinoyl (H2AsO), and this energy difference is increased two times when compared with AsOH2. Arsinous acid (H2AsOH) is more stable than arsine oxide (H3AsO) based on the relative energy difference, while it is predicted that there is a large energy gap when compared with HAs(H2O) stereoisomers. The heat of formation was also calculated for each isomer. In addition, in the characterization of arsenic–oxygen bond characters, several bond order indexes and different population methods were also applied to understand the influence of different methodologies, as well as the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) and the Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) method.

Graphical abstract: Tailoring the electronic properties among oxoarsine, arsinoyl and arsine oxide isomers: the simplest molecular systems with an arsenic–oxygen bond

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Article information

Article type
13 Apr 2016
13 Sep 2016
First published
14 Sep 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 90760-90770

Tailoring the electronic properties among oxoarsine, arsinoyl and arsine oxide isomers: the simplest molecular systems with an arsenic–oxygen bond

R. B. Viana, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 90760 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA09517H

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