Non-adiabatic dynamics simulation exploration of the wavelength-dependent photoinduced relaxation mechanism of trans-N-1-methyl-2-(tolylazo) imidazole in the gas phase†
A comprehensive picture of the photoinduced non-adiabatic relaxation dynamics of trans-N-1-methyl-2-(tolylazo) imidazole (trans-MTAI) in different electronic excited states has been revealed using on-the-fly surface hopping method at the ab initio CASSCF level. The decay process is mainly driven by the twisting motion around the NN double bond upon photoexcitation to the S1 state. However, after photoexcitation to the S2 state, an ultrafast S2 → S1 non-adiabatic transition occurs in less than 150 fs accompanied by a stretching of the N
N bond. Afterwards, an additional NNC bending reaction pathway is activated, competing with the photoisomerization channel. The activation of multiple reaction pathways following excitation to the S2 state is expected to provide a reasonable explanation for the wavelength-dependent isomerization property of trans-MTAI.