Issue 84, 2016, Issue in Progress

Dual peptides modified fluorescence-SERS dual mode imaging nanoprobes with improved cancer cell targeting efficiency


The field of cancer theragnostics has long been starving for imaging agents with an improved targeting efficiency. Herein, a dual receptor targeting nanoprobe with fluorescence-SERS dual mode imaging capacity has been demonstrated for the specific targeting of cervical cancer cells. First, silver nanoparticles were modified with Raman reporters and silica-protected fluorescence dyes to incorporate fluorescence-SERS dual mode imaging capacity. Then, two targeting peptides, transferrin receptor-specific peptide T7 and integrin ανβ3 bonding peptide RGD, were functionalized onto the outer surfaces of the nanoparticles, endowing the nanoprobes with enhanced recognition towards HeLa cells. Finally, to investigate the targeting capability of this synergetic probe, the cellular internalization was compared between single and dual targeting nanoprobes. The results from fluorescence-SERS dual-mode imaging demonstrated that the dual peptide functionalized nanoprobes not only promoted an elevated uptake by cancer cells, but were also responsible for an enhanced targeting ability towards cancer cells. This type of nanoprobe with dual-mode imaging and a dual-targeting ability would give a new prospect for the diagnosis and therapeutics of cancer.

Graphical abstract: Dual peptides modified fluorescence-SERS dual mode imaging nanoprobes with improved cancer cell targeting efficiency

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 May 2016
04 Aug 2016
First published
11 Aug 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 81046-81052

Dual peptides modified fluorescence-SERS dual mode imaging nanoprobes with improved cancer cell targeting efficiency

Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, L. Wu, S. Zong, B. Yun and Y. Cui, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 81046 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA13802K

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