Issue 86, 2016, Issue in Progress

Enhancement of dibenzothiophene biodesulfurization by weakening the feedback inhibition effects based on a systematic understanding of the biodesulfurization mechanism by Gordonia sp. through the potential “4S” pathway


Gordonia sp. JDZX13 (source: industrial petroleum soil) shows good potential for dibenzothiophene (DBT) biodesulfurization. With the GC/MS analysis of metabolites and PCR-sequencing verification of the key desulfurization operon (dszA/dszB/dszC), the valuable “4S” pathway of DBT biodesulfurization in Gordonia sp. is identified. The key rate-limiting factors (2-hydroxybiphenyl/sulfate ions) suggest significant feedback inhibition effects on cell growth (μx) and biodesulfurization efficiency. Moreover, the qRT-PCR analysis of the dszA/dszB/dszC operon transcriptions also indicates the prominent negative effects on the key desulfurization enzyme activity, particularly under sulfate ion stress. Based on the abovementioned analysis, the oil/aqueous ratio in the two-phase system was optimized as 1 : 2 for better weakening of the inhibition effect, and a higher DBT removal efficiency (improved by 100.7%) was achieved. In addition, the DBT biodesulfurization mechanism is proposed. Related methods and mechanisms would be useful to further guide similar biocatalysis processes in the near future.

Graphical abstract: Enhancement of dibenzothiophene biodesulfurization by weakening the feedback inhibition effects based on a systematic understanding of the biodesulfurization mechanism by Gordonia sp. through the potential “4S” pathway

Article information

Article type
03 Jun 2016
19 Aug 2016
First published
19 Aug 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 82872-82881

Enhancement of dibenzothiophene biodesulfurization by weakening the feedback inhibition effects based on a systematic understanding of the biodesulfurization mechanism by Gordonia sp. through the potential “4S” pathway

S. Feng, H. Yang, X. Zhan and W. Wang, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 82872 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA14459D

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