Issue 95, 2016, Issue in Progress

The down conversion properties of a Gd2O3:Er3+ phosphor prepared via a combustion synthesis method


Er3+ doped Gd2O3 phosphors were prepared via solution combustion synthesis method. Structural characterization and the luminescence behaviour of the prepared phosphors were determined and compared. The average crystal size for the phosphors yielded was in the nanometre range, which was calculated using XRD and confirmed by SEM and TEM techniques. Compositional analysis was carried out using FTIR. Qualitative and quantitative information regarding the powder sample were measured using EDX spectroscopy. The EDX and FT-IR spectra confirm the Er3+ element was present in the Gd2O3:Er3+ phosphors. For the photoluminescence studies the emission spectra were recorded under excitation at 275 nm. All the phosphors give emission peaks in the visible region. The effect of annealing and the Er3+ concentration on the emission spectra was studied for the prepared phosphors. The specific colours produced by the prepared phosphors were determined using the CIE chromaticity technique. The emitted coloured was tuned by determining the CIE coordinates for different concentrations of Er3+.

Graphical abstract: The down conversion properties of a Gd2O3:Er3+ phosphor prepared via a combustion synthesis method

Article information

Article type
23 Jun 2016
03 Sep 2016
First published
05 Sep 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 92360-92370

The down conversion properties of a Gd2O3:Er3+ phosphor prepared via a combustion synthesis method

R. K. Tamrakar, D. P. Bisen, K. Upadhyay, I. P. Sahu and M. Sahu, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 92360 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA16286J

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