Issue 91, 2016, Issue in Progress

3D hierarchical CuO/Co3O4 core–shell nanowire array on copper foam for on-demand hydrogen generation from alkaline NaBH4 solution


In this work, we demonstrate the first use of a 3D hierarchical CuO/Co3O4 core–shell nanowire array in situ grown on copper foam as a robust and highly active catalyst toward the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of NaBH4 for on-demand hydrogen generation in alkaline solutions. This monolithic catalyst exhibits a maximum hydrogen generation rate of 6162.55 mL min−1 g(CuO/Co3O4)−1 under ambient conditions, which is higher than that of most reported Co-based catalysts, with an activation energy of 56.38 kJ mol−1. It also shows good durability and reusability and can be used as an on/off switch for on-demand hydrogen generation.

Graphical abstract: 3D hierarchical CuO/Co3O4 core–shell nanowire array on copper foam for on-demand hydrogen generation from alkaline NaBH4 solution

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Article information

Article type
06 Jul 2016
11 Sep 2016
First published
12 Sep 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 88846-88850

3D hierarchical CuO/Co3O4 core–shell nanowire array on copper foam for on-demand hydrogen generation from alkaline NaBH4 solution

L. Xie, K. Wang, G. Du, A. M. Asiri and X. Sun, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 88846 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA17340C

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