Issue 91, 2016, Issue in Progress

The adsorption and catalytic oxidation of the element mercury over cobalt modified Ce–ZrO2 catalyst


Co was used as a modifier for Ce–ZrO2 to improve the surface physicochemical properties of the catalysts. The obtained catalysts Cox–Ce–ZrO2 were investigated for Hg0 adsorption and oxidation in the temperature range of 100–350 °C. The results showed that Co modified catalysts had an excellent Hg0 removal efficiency. For Co0.3–Ce–ZrO2, the Hg0 adsorption efficiency was above 81.5% even after a 164.5 h adsorption test and the Hg0 oxidation efficiency reached 100% in the temperature range of 100–250 °C. XRD, BET and XPS results suggested that the Co modified catalysts had larger surface areas and more oxygen vacancies. H2-TPR results showed that Co addition improved the redox performance of the catalyst. These results led to a better Hg0 removal efficiency by the Co modified catalysts. Furthermore, XPS results of Co0.3–Ce–ZrO2 before and after reaction showed that, during the Hg0 oxidation process, surface chemisorbed oxygen was dramatically consumed while some Co3+ and Ce4+ changed to Co2+ and Ce3+. This suggested that chemisorbed oxygen participated in the Hg0 oxidation process. A probable pathway of Hg0 oxidation was deduced based on these results. The effects of individual flue gas components (O2, NO, H2O, SO2) on Hg0 oxidation efficiency were investigated and the results showed that O2 and NO improved the Hg0 oxidation efficiency whereas H2O and SO2 inhibited it.

Graphical abstract: The adsorption and catalytic oxidation of the element mercury over cobalt modified Ce–ZrO2 catalyst

Article information

Article type
01 Aug 2016
25 Aug 2016
First published
15 Sep 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 88332-88339

The adsorption and catalytic oxidation of the element mercury over cobalt modified Ce–ZrO2 catalyst

X. P. Zhang, Y. Z. Cui, B. J. Tan, J. X. Wang, Z. F. Li and G. H. He, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 88332 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA19450H

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