Issue 116, 2016

Experimental and theoretical evaluation of structures of Pr2@C72 and its functionalized adduct with adamantylidene carbene


In this study, we prepared and isolated the pristine endohedral dimetallofullerene Pr2@C72, whose structure was determined to be Pr2@D2(10611)-C72 by a combination of mass spectrometry, UV-visible-near-infrared absorption spectroscopy, and quantum mechanics characterization. Furthermore, we explored the reactivity of Pr2@D2(10611)-C72 using its functionalization by 2-adamantane-2,3-[3H]-diazirine, and the resulting adducts were identified by mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography. Additionally, the preferred addition positions and isomeric structures of the dominant mono-adduct Pr2@C72(Ad) were further investigated using density functional theory.

Graphical abstract: Experimental and theoretical evaluation of structures of Pr2@C72 and its functionalized adduct with adamantylidene carbene

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Article information

Article type
18 Sep 2016
05 Dec 2016
First published
05 Dec 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 115113-115119

Experimental and theoretical evaluation of structures of Pr2@C72 and its functionalized adduct with adamantylidene carbene

Y. Zhao, H. Yu and Y. Lian, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 115113 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA23224H

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