Polyurea coatings for enhanced blast-mitigation: a review
Elastomeric coatings are being advocated as excellent retrofit materials for strategic applications, particularly for blast mitigation and ballistic protection. Polyurea, an elastomer formed by the reaction of isocyanate and amine, possesses hard domains dispersed randomly within the soft domains, forming a heterogeneous landscape with a nano-segregated microstructure, with each domain exhibiting its own characteristic glass transition temperature. Commercialised in the late eighties, this relatively new entrant in the field of elastomers has received enormous attention in view of its excellent blast mitigation properties and ballistic protection. Although the literature is abundant with studies demonstrating the potential of polyurea for retrofitting applications, the underlying mechanism behind its exceptional properties has not yet been fully comprehended. The ballistic protection ability is attributed to the dynamic transition from “rubber to glass”, which occurs when the material is subjected to extremely high strain rates, while the blast mitigation potential is attributed to a phenomenon more commonly referred to as “shock wave capture and neutralization”. Since the blast mitigation and ballistic protection ability is decided by the hard and soft domains of polyurea, respectively, the polymer needs to be tuned for a particular application through judicious choice of the raw materials. The current article reviews the relevant publications in the field of polyurea-based retrofits including their preparation, characterization, properties and applications in the context of blast mitigation and ballistic protection.