Issue 6, 2016

Micro-mechanics of electrostatically stabilized suspensions of cellulose nanofibrils under steady state shear flow


In this study, we characterized and modeled the rheology of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibril (NFC) aqueous suspensions with electrostatically stabilized and unflocculated nanofibrous structures. These colloidal suspensions of slender and wavy nanofibers exhibited a yield stress and a shear thinning behavior at low and high shear rates, respectively. Both the shear yield stress and the consistency of these suspensions were power-law functions of the NFC volume fraction. We developed an original multiscale model for the prediction of the rheology of these suspensions. At the nanoscale, the suspensions were described as concentrated systems where NFCs interacted with the Newtonian suspending fluid through Brownian motion and long range fluid–NFC hydrodynamic interactions, as well as with each other through short range hydrodynamic and repulsive colloidal interaction forces. These forces were estimated using both the experimental results and 3D networks of NFCs that were numerically generated to mimic the nanostructures of NFC suspensions under shear flow. They were in good agreement with theoretical and measured forces for model colloidal systems. The model showed the primary role played by short range hydrodynamic and colloidal interactions on the rheology of NFC suspensions. At low shear rates, the origin of the yield stress of NFC suspensions was attributed to the combined contribution of repulsive colloidal interactions and the topology of the entangled NFC networks in the suspensions. At high shear rates, both concurrent colloidal and short (in some cases long) range hydrodynamic interactions could be at the origin of the shear thinning behavior of NFC suspensions.

Graphical abstract: Micro-mechanics of electrostatically stabilized suspensions of cellulose nanofibrils under steady state shear flow

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
12 Sep 2015
18 Dec 2015
First published
18 Dec 2015

Soft Matter, 2016,12, 1721-1735

Author version available

Micro-mechanics of electrostatically stabilized suspensions of cellulose nanofibrils under steady state shear flow

F. Martoïa, P. J. J. Dumont, L. Orgéas, M. N. Belgacem and J.-L. Putaux, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 1721 DOI: 10.1039/C5SM02310F

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