Issue 15, 2016

Polymer-brush lubrication: a review of recent theoretical advances


This review compiles recent theoretical advances to describe compressive and shear forces of polymer-brush bilayers, which consist of two opposing brushes in contact. Such model systems for polymer-brush lubrication are frequently used as a benchmark to gain insight into biological problems, e.g., synovial joint lubrication. Based on scaling theory, I derive conformational and collective properties of polymer-brush bilayers in equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium situations, such as shear forces in the linear and nonlinear response regimes of stationary shear and under non-stationary shear. Furthermore, I discuss the influence of macromolecular inclusions and electrostatic interactions on polymer-brush lubrication. Comparisons to alternative analytical approaches, experiments and numerical results are performed. Special emphasis is given to methods for simulating polymer-brush bilayers using molecular dynamics simulations.

Graphical abstract: Polymer-brush lubrication: a review of recent theoretical advances

Article information

Article type
Review Article
02 Dec 2015
12 Mar 2016
First published
14 Mar 2016

Soft Matter, 2016,12, 3479-3501

Polymer-brush lubrication: a review of recent theoretical advances

T. Kreer, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 3479 DOI: 10.1039/C5SM02919H

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