Issue 29, 2016

Computational high-throughput screening of fluid permeability in heterogeneous fiber materials


We explore computational high-throughput screening as a design strategy for heterogeneous, isotropic fiber materials. Fluid permeability, a key property in the design of soft porous materials, is systematically studied using a multi-scale lattice Boltzmann framework. After characterizing microscopic permeability as a function of solid volume fraction in the microstructure, we perform high-throughput computational screening of in excess of 35 000 macrostructures consisting of a continuous bulk interrupted by spherical/elliptical domains with either lower or higher microscopic permeability (hence with two distinct microscopic solid volume fractions and therefore two distinct microscopic permeabilities) to assess which parameters determine macroscopic permeability for a fixed average solid volume fraction. We conclude that the fractions of bulk and domains and the distribution of solid volume fraction between them are the primary determinants of macroscopic permeability, and that a substantial increase in permeability compared to the corresponding homogenous material is attainable.

Graphical abstract: Computational high-throughput screening of fluid permeability in heterogeneous fiber materials

Article information

Article type
26 May 2016
16 Jun 2016
First published
16 Jun 2016

Soft Matter, 2016,12, 6293-6299

Computational high-throughput screening of fluid permeability in heterogeneous fiber materials

M. Röding, E. Schuster, K. Logg, M. Lundman, P. Bergström, C. Hanson, T. Gebäck and N. Lorén, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 6293 DOI: 10.1039/C6SM01213B

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