Issue 43, 2016

A smectic dodecagonal quasicrystal


We report a solid smectic phase that exhibits dodecagonal global order. It is composed of axially stacked hexagonally ordered particle layers, and its 12-fold rotational symmetry induced by the 30° rotation of adjacent layers with respect to each other. A quasicrystal was produced in a molecular-dynamics simulation of a single-component system of particles interacting via a spherically-symmetric potential. It was formed as a result of a first-order phase transition from an isotropic liquid state that occurred under constant-density cooling. This finding implies that a similarly structured quasicrystal can possibly be produced by the same class of systems as those forming smectic-B crystals. This quasicrystal can also be expected to arise in a system of spherically-shaped colloidal particles with appropriately tuned potential.

Graphical abstract: A smectic dodecagonal quasicrystal

Article information

Article type
09 Aug 2016
01 Sep 2016
First published
01 Sep 2016

Soft Matter, 2016,12, 8869-8875

A smectic dodecagonal quasicrystal

A. Metere, P. Oleynikov, M. Dzugutov and S. Lidin, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 8869 DOI: 10.1039/C6SM01832G

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