Issue 4, 2016

Ultrafine platinum/iron oxide nanoconjugates confined in silica nanoshells for highly durable catalytic oxidation


Noble metal/transition metal (hydr)oxide interfaces are often highly active catalytic sites for many oxidation reactions. One of the challenges in such catalyst systems especially in high-temperature reactions is the lack of an effective mechanism to stabilize the catalysts against sintering over time and to maintain the metal/oxide interfaces. Herein, we report an alloying–dealloying process for the production of ultrafine Pt/FeOx nanoconjugates (∼1.8 nm) with confinement in silica nanoshells for effective stabilization. The synthesis started with coating of ultrasmall Pt/Fe precursor nanoparticles in reverse micelles by a microporous silica shell, which served as a nanoreactor to allow the subsequent transformation of the precursor nanoparticles into the target Pt/FeOx nanoconjugates. Thanks to the ultrasmall size of the nanoconjugates and their effective protection by the silica shells, the resulting Pt/FeOx@SiO2 yolk/shell nanospheres showed high catalytic activity and remarkable durability in preferential CO oxidation in H2 (PROX). This synthesis strategy may represent a general approach in rational design of highly stable catalysts with complex nanostructures for a broad range of catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Ultrafine platinum/iron oxide nanoconjugates confined in silica nanoshells for highly durable catalytic oxidation

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Article information

Article type
13 Nov 2015
17 Dec 2015
First published
18 Dec 2015

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 1366-1372

Ultrafine platinum/iron oxide nanoconjugates confined in silica nanoshells for highly durable catalytic oxidation

H. Zhao, D. Wang, C. Gao, H. Liu, L. Han and Y. Yin, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 1366 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA09215A

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