Issue 2, 2016

Vertical SnO2 nanosheet@SiC nanofibers with hierarchical architecture for high-performance gas sensors


Increasing demands for detection of harmful gases in harsh environments have stimulated considerable efforts to develop a novel gas sensor with high sensitivity, superior thermal/chemical stability and fast response/recovery rate. In this paper, we report the vertical growth of ultrathin SnO2 nanosheets (SnO2 NSs) on quasi-one-dimensional SiC nanofibers (SiC NFs) forming a hierarchical architecture via a simple hydrothermal method. In comparison to pure SnO2 NSs, the SnO2 NS@SiC NF hierarchical composite shows an ultrafast response/recovery rate, high sensitivity, and simultaneously excellent reproducibility to various target gases including ethanol, methanol, hydrogen, isopropanol, acetone and xylene, even at high temperature. The response times are less than 5 s with corresponding recovery times <15 s. Furthermore, the SnO2 NS@SiC NF gas sensor shows a superior sensing selectivity and long-term stability to ethanol. The hierarchical architecture and synergetic effect of the SnO2–SiC heterojunction as well as plenty of active sites from the vertically ultrathin SnO2 NSs have critical effect on the superior sensing performance of SnO2 NS@SiC NFs. This work highlights the possibility to develop a novel high-performance gas sensor for application in harsh environments.

Graphical abstract: Vertical SnO2 nanosheet@SiC nanofibers with hierarchical architecture for high-performance gas sensors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 Sep 2015
27 Nov 2015
First published
30 Nov 2015

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016,4, 295-304

Author version available

Vertical SnO2 nanosheet@SiC nanofibers with hierarchical architecture for high-performance gas sensors

B. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Lei, S. Xie, N. Wu, Y. Gou, C. Han, Q. Shi and D. Fang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 295 DOI: 10.1039/C5TC02792F

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