Issue 19, 2016

Silver-induced reconstruction of an adeninate-based metal–organic framework for encapsulation of luminescent adenine-stabilized silver clusters


Bright luminescent silver-adenine species were successfully stabilized in the pores of the MOF-69A (zinc biphenyldicarboxylate) metal–organic framework, starting from the intrinsically blue luminescent bio-MOF-1 (zinc adeninate 4,4′-biphenyldicarboxylate). Bio-MOF-1 is transformed to the MOF-69A framework by selectively leaching structural adenine linkers from the original framework using silver nitrate solutions in aqueous ethanol. Simultaneously, bright blue-green luminescent silver-adenine clusters are formed inside the pores of the recrystallized MOF-69A matrix in high local concentrations. The structural transition and concurrent changes in optical properties were characterized using a range of structural, physicochemical and spectroscopic techniques (steady-state and time-resolved luminescence, quantum yield determination, fluorescence microscopy). The presented results open new avenues for exploring the use of MOFs containing luminescent silver clusters for solid-state lighting and sensor applications.

Graphical abstract: Silver-induced reconstruction of an adeninate-based metal–organic framework for encapsulation of luminescent adenine-stabilized silver clusters

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Article information

Article type
19 Jan 2016
29 Mar 2016
First published
29 Mar 2016
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016,4, 4259-4268

Silver-induced reconstruction of an adeninate-based metal–organic framework for encapsulation of luminescent adenine-stabilized silver clusters

D. Jonckheere, E. Coutino-Gonzalez, W. Baekelant, B. Bueken, H. Reinsch, I. Stassen, O. Fenwick, F. Richard, P. Samorì, R. Ameloot, J. Hofkens, M. B. J. Roeffaers and D. E. De Vos, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 4259 DOI: 10.1039/C6TC00260A

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