AMgPO4·6H2O (A = Rb, Cs): strong SHG responses originated from orderly PO4 groups†
Two UV NLO phosphates AMgPO4·6H2O (A = Rb, Cs) were synthesized by a soft hydrothermal method. RbMgPO4·6H2O originates from the struvite structure type and crystallizes into the orthorhombic space group Pmn21. CsMgPO4·6H2O derives from the nickeline structure type and crystallizes in the polar space group P63/mmc. The structure of CsMgPO4·6H2O features two-layer arrangements, while there is only one layer in the struvite RbMgPO4·6H2O. Without the spatial inhibition of corner-shared behaviour, the isolated PO4 groups in CsMgPO4·6H2O align in parallel to make maximum contribution to achieving high-performance nonlinear properties. The deff coefficient for CsMgPO4·6H2O is 0.53 pm V−1, which is one of the strongest SHG responses among reported UV NLO phosphates. In addition, CsMgPO4·6H2O shows a wide transparent region ranging from UV to near IR with a UV cutoff edge at approximately 258 nm.