Issue 17, 2017

Fluorescence microscopy image-analysis (FMI) for the characterization of interphase HO˙ production originated by heterogeneous catalysis


Herein, fluorescence microscopy image-analysis (FMI) visualized the information of interphase HO˙ radicals using luminescent 7-hydroxycoumarin as the marker, revealing the inhomogeneity and intensity of HO˙ production originated by surface-mediated catalysis. The FMI is recommended as a quick-response method for the evaluation of HO˙-assigned heterogeneous catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Fluorescence microscopy image-analysis (FMI) for the characterization of interphase HO˙ production originated by heterogeneous catalysis

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Article information

Article type
30 Nov 2016
30 Jan 2017
First published
30 Jan 2017

Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 2575-2577

Fluorescence microscopy image-analysis (FMI) for the characterization of interphase HO˙ production originated by heterogeneous catalysis

S. Zhang, X. Quan and D. Wang, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 2575 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC09536D

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