Issue 9, 2017

Control of metallo-supramolecular assemblies via steric, hydrogen bonding and argentophilic interactions; formation of a 3-dimensional polymer of circular helicates


This work shows how multiple non-covalent interactions are employed to control metallosupramolecular architectures and we demonstrate that a ligand, which contains two bidentate domains separated by a ArOH spacer, forms a mesocate when complexed with Ag(I). However, changing this to an ArOCH2CH2Ph spacer unit results in a 1-dimensional helical polymer upon reaction with the same cation. Reaction of Ag(I) with the ArOMe derivative gives a hexanuclear circular helicate which forms inter-assembly Ag⋯Ag interactions resulting in a 3-dimensional honeycomb-like polymer of hexanuclear circular helicates.

Graphical abstract: Control of metallo-supramolecular assemblies via steric, hydrogen bonding and argentophilic interactions; formation of a 3-dimensional polymer of circular helicates

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Article information

Article type
18 Dec 2016
09 Jan 2017
First published
09 Jan 2017

CrystEngComm, 2017,19, 1273-1278

Control of metallo-supramolecular assemblies via steric, hydrogen bonding and argentophilic interactions; formation of a 3-dimensional polymer of circular helicates

S. J. Bullock, F. S. Davidson, R. A. Faulkner, G. M. B. Parkes, C. R. Rice and L. Towns-Andrews, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 1273 DOI: 10.1039/C6CE02589G

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