Issue 30, 2017

Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of two Cd(ii)/M(i) (M = K, Rb) interpenetrated heterometallic frameworks based on giant double-walled cages


Two isostructural heterometallic MOFs [Cd3M6(TDPAT)2(H2O)9]·0.75H2O·4DMF·2MeOH (1 M = K; 2 M = Rb) were synthesized via solvothermal reaction. MOFs 1 and 2 are 3D chiral frameworks constructed by interpenetration of two identical 3D cage nets, which feature a giant double-walled heterometallic cage M36Cd24(TDPAT)8@M54Cd24(TDPAT)8. The luminescence properties of 1 and 2 including the quantum yield and lifetime values were also investigated.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of two Cd(ii)/M(i) (M = K, Rb) interpenetrated heterometallic frameworks based on giant double-walled cages

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Apr 2017
22 Jun 2017
First published
26 Jun 2017

CrystEngComm, 2017,19, 4269-4272

Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of two Cd(II)/M(I) (M = K, Rb) interpenetrated heterometallic frameworks based on giant double-walled cages

X. Xu, C. Tian and S. Du, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 4269 DOI: 10.1039/C7CE00803A

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