Issue 6, 2017

Enhanced selective oxidation of h-BN nanosheet through a substrate-mediated localized charge effect


Manipulation of the chemical reactivity of two-dimensional materials is a challenge for advancing various nanotechnologies, ranging from electronics to catalysis. In this study, on the basis of first-principles calculations, we demonstrated that the chemical reactivity of h-BN sheets towards O2 can be significantly enhanced via a metal substrate-mediated charge effect. The chemisorption of O2 molecule on the h-BN sheet deposited on Ni, Co, or Cu substrate were almost spontaneous with negligible energy barrier, distinctly different from that on the freestanding h-BN sheet, which has ultra-high chemical stability. In particular, the enhanced oxidation of h-BN sheet can be confined in the nanoscale region due to the localized electronic states in the h-BN sheet. These findings imply a pathway to selectively oxidize h-BN sheet by patterning the metal substrate.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced selective oxidation of h-BN nanosheet through a substrate-mediated localized charge effect

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Article information

Article type
29 Oct 2016
11 Jan 2017
First published
12 Jan 2017

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 4435-4439

Enhanced selective oxidation of h-BN nanosheet through a substrate-mediated localized charge effect

K. Mao, X. Wu and J. Yang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 4435 DOI: 10.1039/C6CP07402B

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