Low-temperature H2-plasma-assisted NOx storage and reduction over a combined Pt/Ba/Al and LaMnFe catalyst
A model catalyst of the Pt/Ba/Al2O3 (PBA) type exhibited poor activity in NOx storage–reduction (NSR) at low temperatures (≤300 °C) even under a plasma-enhanced process. In order to achieve optimal NOx removal efficiency during plasma-assisted NOx storage–reduction in the presence of H2O and CO2, a PBA+LMF (LaMn0.9Fe0.1O3) catalyst was prepared by mechanical mixing. Compared to the PBA and LMF references, the combined PBA+LMF catalyst showed an obvious synergistic effect with respect to NOx storage capacity. With the assistance of H2 plasma in rich phase, higher NOx conversions could be obtained over the PBA+LMF sample over a wide temperature range (200–350 °C). The origin of the synergy was clarified on the basis of structure–activity correlations. The combination of non-thermal plasma and heterogeneous catalysis was proven to be very effective in improving the low temperature activity of lean NOx trap (LNT) catalysts.