Hierarchical BiOI nanostructures supported on a metal organic framework as efficient photocatalysts for degradation of organic pollutants in water†
Semiconductor-based photocatalysis is a green method for the removal of toxic organic pollutants by decomposition into harmless products. However, traditional single-component semiconductors are unable to reach high degradation efficiencies due to excessive photo charge carrier recombination. The use of hybrid nanocomposite photocatalysts is a promising strategy for overcoming this problem by reducing recombination as well as ensuring that large amounts of solar energy are harvested. Herein, a novel visible-light-active hybrid nanocomposite, BiOI/MIL-88B(Fe), was successfully synthesized through a simple precipitation method. In the BiOI/MIL-88B(Fe) composite, both BiOI and MIL-88B(Fe) have improved charge carrier separation and reduced recombination via a simple Z-scheme mechanism. Photocatalytic degradation of the pollutant RhB was carried out during irradiation of the as-synthesized composites with simulated solar light, and the BiOI/MIL-88B(Fe) (2 wt%) composite was found to exhibit the highest photocatalytic activity among the composites. In addition, colorless phenol and ciprofloxacin (CIP) degradation experiments were also performed to confirm the visible light photocatalytic performance of the BiOI/MIL-88B(Fe) hybrid nanocomposite. Scavenger experiments, PL analysis, NBT transformations, and TA-PL experiments all supported the proposed Z-scheme mechanism of the BiOI/MIL-88B(Fe) composite photocatalyst. Moreover, simple separation from solution provides this 3D composite with good reusability and long-term stability.