Issue 44, 2017

Reactivity of sulfonyl-containing compounds with ditetrelenes


The addition of a variety of sulfones and a sulfoxide to ditetrelenes (a disilene and a digermene) was examined. The reaction of benzenesulfonyl chloride with tetramesityldisilene or tetramesityldigermene results in the formation of the 1,2-addition products, 2-chlorotetramesityldisilyl- or digermylbenzenesulfinate. The addition of p-toluenesulfonyl chloride to the disilene gave the analogous product, 2-chlorotetramesityldisilyl p-toluenesulfinate. In contrast, benzenesulfonyl fluoride, diphenyl and dimethyl sulfone did not react with either the disilene or the digermene. The unprecedented formation of the sulfinates reveals a selective 2-electron reduction of the sulfur centres using ditetrelenes. The addition reactions of sulfonyl compounds illustrates the potential of ditetrelenes to serve as reducing agents which react rapidly, at room temperature under mild conditions. The reaction of tetramesityldisilene with diphenyl sulfoxide resulted in the formation of tetramesityloxadisilirane and with benzene sulfonic acid resulted in the formation of 1,1,2,2-tetramesityldisilyl benzenesulfonate.

Graphical abstract: Reactivity of sulfonyl-containing compounds with ditetrelenes

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Article information

Article type
30 Jun 2017
18 Sep 2017
First published
30 Oct 2017

Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 15451-15457

Reactivity of sulfonyl-containing compounds with ditetrelenes

N. Y. Tashkandi, J. L. Bourque and K. M. Baines, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 15451 DOI: 10.1039/C7DT02374J

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