Issue 40, 2017

A novel stibacarbaborane cluster with adjacent antimony atoms exhibiting unique pnictogen bond formation that dominates its crystal packing


We have prepared nido-7,8,9,11-Sb2C2B7H9, the first cluster with simultaneous Sb–B, Sb–C and Sb–Sb atom pairs with interatomic separations with magnitudes that approach the respective sums of covalent radii. However, the length of the Sb–Sb separation in this cluster is slightly less than the sum of the covalent radii. Quantum chemical analysis has revealed that the crystal packing of nido-7,8,9,11-Sb2C2B7H9 is predominantly dictated by pnictogen (Pn) bonding, an unconventional σ-hole interaction. Indeed, the interaction energy of a very strong Sb2⋯H–B Pn-bond in the nido-7,8,9,11-Sb2C2B7H9 dimer exceeds −6.0 kcal mol−1. This is a very large value and is comparable to the strengths of known Pn-bonds in Cl3Pn⋯π complexes (Pn = As, Sb).

Graphical abstract: A novel stibacarbaborane cluster with adjacent antimony atoms exhibiting unique pnictogen bond formation that dominates its crystal packing

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Article type
02 Aug 2017
11 Sep 2017
First published
12 Sep 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2017,46, 13714-13719

A novel stibacarbaborane cluster with adjacent antimony atoms exhibiting unique pnictogen bond formation that dominates its crystal packing

J. Holub, P. Melichar, Z. Růžičková, J. Vrána, D. A. Wann, J. Fanfrlík, D. Hnyk and A. Růžička, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 13714 DOI: 10.1039/C7DT02845H

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