Issue 11, 2017

Microwave-assisted solid phase diazotation: a method for the environmentally benign synthesis of benzotriazoles


A novel environmentally benign approach based on microwave-assisted solid phase diazotation to convert o-phenylendiamines to substituted benzotriazoles is described. Excellent yields were obtained for a phenylenediamines proving the efficacy of the method. The reaction was carried out in the solid phase under microwave irradiation taking advantage of the strong microwave absorption capability of K-10 montmorillonite that acted as a catalyst and medium in one. The catalyst is recyclable, and the reaction occurs with high efficiency and does not produce any harmful waste.

Graphical abstract: Microwave-assisted solid phase diazotation: a method for the environmentally benign synthesis of benzotriazoles

Article information

Article type
23 Mar 2017
23 Apr 2017
First published
24 Apr 2017

Green Chem., 2017,19, 2515-2519

Microwave-assisted solid phase diazotation: a method for the environmentally benign synthesis of benzotriazoles

A. Kokel and B. Török, Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2515 DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00901A

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